Why CPR?

I've wanted to renew my certification for CPR and once I learned that Udemy offered it free of charge, it was a no brainer. I first got my CPR certification from Parallax back in 2008 but it expired in 2009.

The class from Udemy offers a great deal in conjunction with NHCPS, where you get the certification at a discount (regularly $59.99). The training is pretty much the same as before, I had forgotten a couple of things and learned some new stuff. For example, I did learn you are not supposed to tourniquet a venomous bite. I live in an area that had a lot of snakes, so that information is especially good for me. I go out hiking regularly so anything hiking related is good for not only me, but who I’m hiking with.

If you can spare a couple hours, you can do a lot of worse things than taking this class. CPR Cert

#nhcps #cpr #firstaid #aed #citizencare #Udemy